Video Installation, Sculpture, Print
Forget Me Forget Me Not, 2022

we.remain.in.multiple.motions, 2022
Single-channel video, (colour and sound), 12 min

_///plantationrender01.png, 2022
_///plantationrender02.png, 2022
_///plantationrender03.png, 2022
_///plantationrender04.png, 2022
White ink bitmap screenprint, sublimation print on satin, brushed aluminium backing

In Forget Me, Forget Me Not, Priyageetha Dia pursues a mindful encounter mediated by technology with colonial representations of labouring bodies. How does one attend to difficult imagery —visual and textual— that continues to dispossess colonial subjects of dignity and agency? Amid the sea of information and data prone to racialised terminology, what are the possibilities for an artistic engagement to eschew or hijack the perpetuation of violence? While the exhibition title calls to question what to remember and forget, it is concerned in an equal manner with how to do it. Forget Me, Forget Me Not is a plea for new forms and ethics of remembrance by an artist whose use of technology consciously dismisses its claims to neutrality and immateriality.

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Solo Exhibition
Yeo Workshop Singapore

Curated by Anca Rujoiu

Supported by National Arts Council, Singapore